Professional Development
Professional Development at EMES is faciliated by Beth Parker, Arlyn Bruccoli, and Dave Willard.
EMES Professional Development Website
Professional Development Coach Job Description:
The role of the Professional Development Coach promotes effective, collaborative teaching practices and culture that lead to increased student achievement. The Professional Development Coach supports an environment of collegiality, trust, and respect that focuses on continuous improvement in instruction and student learning.
The Professional Development Coach collaborates with the Principal and colleagues to plan professional learning that is team-based, job embedded, sustained over time, aligned with the CCSS and linked to the EMES Continuous Improvement Plan. The Professional Development Coach works with colleagues to promote consistency in the use of instructional materials and practices within grade levels and across the school.
The Professional Development Coach encourages and supports teacher reflection in regard to pedagogical practice. The primary goal of this work is to model instruction in classrooms, observe teachers, and engage in supportive, dialogical conversations about what they observe in order for students to learn more effectively. The work of the PD coach is to build capacity and teacher growth as they implement practices. The Professional Development Coach extends his/her reach to more students by leading teacher teams and providing on the job professional learning. While colleagues may choose to reflect upon the feedback they receive from the Professional Development Coach as part of their evidence in the evaluation process, the role of the Professional Development Coach is not evaluative in nature.
The Professional Development Coach understands the principles of adult learning and knows how to develop a collaborative culture of collective responsibility in the school.
The Professional Development Coach understands how research creates new knowledge, informs policies and practices and improves teaching and learning.